Population Of Iraq 2025 - Population of Iraq Chronicle, The population of iraq is projected at. Population of Iraq 2025, In 2025, 17,735 more people will emigrate from iraq than immigrate to the country.
Population of Iraq Chronicle, The population of iraq is projected at.
Population density of Iraq, The current population of iraq is 46,478,248 as of december 12, 2025, based on interpolation of the latest united nations data.

Map of the Population Density in the Republic of Iraq [1753ร1181] [OC, The un estimates the july 1, 2025 population at 46,042,000.

Demographics Part 10 Problems in The Middle East Zeihan on Geopolitics, Iraq made no significant changes to its ct legal and law enforcement framework in 2023.

Live Iraq Population Clock 2025 Polulation of Iraq Today, This entry gives an estimate from the us bureau of the census based on statistics from population censuses, vital.

Population Of Iraq 2025. Iraq made no significant changes to its ct legal and law enforcement framework in 2023. ( 2 ) statistical databases and publications from national statistical offices;

Iraq Population trends comparison by major religious groups 19512050, Demographic statistics, ( 4 ) united nations.

Population Of Iraq 2025 Candra Henryetta, In depth view into iraq population growth including historical data from 1960 to 2025, charts and stats.

39,650,145 (july 2025 est.) definition: Population structure (mid 2025) urbanization

The recent Iraqi demography Between demographic transition and ethno, Preliminary results indicate that iraqโs population has nearly doubled over the past 30 years, surpassing 45 million, and โdecision makers will now be able to plan based on.